Tag Archive | humble bundle

Humble Bundle 6 is live! Includes Torchlight, Dustforce and Vessel

Its that time again. Time for another Humble Bundle. My only issue is that this one may have come at either the worst time because everyone is playing other games or the best time when everyone is willing to pay for more games. Its a toss-up for sure, but you really can’t argue with the offerings here! Hit the jump for a quick breakdown of the games on tap this go-round.

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Humble Bundle for the Android 3 brings a ton of great games to pass the time

Humble is back on the mobile platform. The first one netted me Canabalt for Android and I whip that out whenever I’m in a long line somewhere. But this list might even cut into your productivity:

  • Fieldrunners
  • SpaceChem (possibly my favorite indie game last year)
  • Uplink
  • and a new one I haven’t seen before called Spirits

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The result of Mojang’s weekend Mojam is…Catacomb Snatch!

Other than the unfortunate title, Catacomb Snatch is the latest game from Minecraft creators, Mojang.  Its a sort of side-scrolling, shooter, RTS, multiplayer…thing.  In fact it took me probably 20 minutes to figure out what to do.  (The fact that the game didn’t have a proper read-me file didn’t help either….).  While playing I took numerous screens and I figure I’ll try to explain it as best as I can after the jump, but I must admit its pretty damn fun and multiplayer looks even better!

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Mojang will make a new game in real time over the weekend!

And for charity no doubt!  Mojang, purveyors of blocks and fancy hats are going to be doing a nonstop create-a-thon over the weekend for an unspecified game.  It will last for 60 hours and will be hosted by my favorite indie bundle site The Humble Bundle.  All proceeds go to charity in a classy move by Mojang and I imagine the game will be available at some point to those who donate.  Also the offices of Mojang will be live-streamed during the process.  The whole thing is already in progress so check it out!

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Humble Bundle does a customer a solid

When you really get down to it, the Humble Bundle isn’t asking for a lot.  They’re a business and they’re out there to make some money for people, but in a sort of “let’s also be awesome about it” kind of way.

Reddit user LeVanasu posted that he was unable to send Humble Bundle his payment because of some snafu with PayPal.  Hit the jump for the awesome response from Humble Bundle!

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Should indie games belong in retail stores?

Let me first answer your question with another question: why not?

I was reading a blurb on RockPaperShotgun about a developer who put an indie game Divinity to retail and sold to a tune of 100,000 copies.  That’s nothing to sneeze at.  With Terraria and Minecraft looking to also release via real-world boxed copies, it begs the question of when should these games publish and take advantage of brick-and-mortal stores?

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The latest Humble Bundle is insane

Just when I had enough of all these indie game bundles everywhere, Humble Bundle goes and does this.  This is easily the best Humble Bundle to date and deserves at least a cursory look.  Already over $1 million in sales I daresay this one will be positioned to become the best selling bundle yet and for good reason.  Check out the list of amazing games below:

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Indie bundle fatigue

When the Humble Bundle came out last year I was very excited to check out some great indie games on the cheap.  Then another bundle came out and I was still excited, I even paid a little more.  Then another and another and another.  Now I’m beginning to feel like this is getting a bit out of control.

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Trine 2 will be a cross-platform, co-op, visual showstopper

Trine is one of those indie-game-that-could stories and so it delighted me to find out that Frozenbyte is creating a follow-up with Trine 2.  Slated to release on Steam next month, Trine 2 will feature gorgeously-rendered visuals, much like the previous title, but in addition feature a 3-player co-op mode that lets you and your friends play simultaneously.  As the game was originally about simultaneously controlling 3 different archetypes and using their various powers to solve physic-based puzzles, this sounds like a natural progression for the franchise.

More interesting to me is the promise of cross-platform multiplayer between PC and Mac players. Not a huge leap in the multiplayer world, but its a start for what Valve is trying to do with Mac gamers.  The next thing I would like to see is some support for these types of games between PC, Xbox and Playstation.

You won’t want to miss this Humble Bundle

The latest Humble Bundle is really a pack of all the great games made by my favorite indie developer – Introversion.  Looking way back to 2006, I recall that DEFCON was the first non-Valve game that I bought over Steam.

I want everyone who reads this to donate at least $5 to the Humble Bundle in exchange for 4 of the best games the indie world has had to offer:

  1. Uplink: Hacker Elite – hacking “simulator” that is brutally difficult.
  2. Darwinia – a masterpiece of retro graphics and unique gameplay.
  3. DEFCON – nuclear warfare simulator, whoever dies less wins!
  4. Multiwinia – multiplayer update to Darwinia that is craziness in a bottle.
Still not convinced?  Buy a copy of the Introversion Humble Bundle for $5 or more and comment on this post.  I’ll pick a random poster and give them a copy of the Humble Frozenbyte Bundle which includes a copy of Trine!  Please comment by midnight Wednesday PST.  Code will be given away on Thursday!

Humble Bundle